Friday, June 02, 2006

A New Era

Well, quite a lot has transpired since the last post here at Royals' Dish. After snapping the 13 game losing streak in New York, the boys' in blue managed to lose their next two outings in the Bronx. However, with a team as bad as the Royals currently are, taking even one of three in New York isn't that bad. The team then made the short trip to Oakland and promptly took two of three from the struggling A's. The last game of the series the Royals were shutout, however they did confirm the Dayton Moore rumors.

The Allard Baird era is now over and the organization welcomes the former Brave's assistant GM Dayton Moore. Everything I've read about this indicates it was a great move. 810 WHB midday guy Soren Petro interviewed Mr. Moore Wednesday and asked whether the rumors that he had requested total autonomy when it comes to baseball moves. He gave the political answer but it sure sounded like he was going to be solely responsible for player personnel changes. This can't be bad new for the Royals.

More good news on the Royals front. Zachary Greinke will make a rehad start this evening with the Wranglers. Hopefully, this means he's close to returning to the big league team. Let's see, with him back and the plethora of pitching moves the Royals have made of late - see Runelvys Hernandez and Joe Nelson back to Omaha, the trade for Seth Etherton (who won one of the aforementioned games in Oakland) and Affeldt back to the 'pen - the rotation is going to look very different. Maybe something along the lines of Elarton, Greinke, Bobby Keppel, Redman and Etherton. At least three of those guys might figure into the teams' future plans.

Don't think it's just pitching that the good guys are mixing up. Both "The Jesus" and Costa are back (which sent Gueil back to Omaha) and Reggie Sanders is back in the lineup after being slowed by an injury. Blanco is here and German is still seeing way too much time on the bench.

All sorts of potentially good stuff.


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